Rutherford Institute

The Rutherford Institute is a non-profit group based in Charlottesville, Virginia dedicated to the defense of civil liberties, human rights, and religious liberty. It was founded in 1982 by John W. Whitehead.[1] It is often described as a conservative organization.[2][3][4] with roots in the millenarian Christian right,[5] It has participated in many legal actions, including assisting Paula Jones in her lawsuit against U.S. President Bill Clinton in 1997[6][7] and John Freshwater in his ongoing court cases related to corporal punishment and teaching creationism in a public school classroom. [8]


  1. ^ "Institute devoted to religious free speech". Associated Press. 21 October 1989.,1267170&dq=rutherford-institute&hl=en. Retrieved 1 August 2011. 
  2. ^ Reynolds, Josh (2007-04-16). "Conservatives to Bush: Fire Gonzales". Time (AP).,8599,1610738,00.html. 
  3. ^ "Clinton's contempt citation not a surprise to many". CNN. 1999-04-13. 
  4. ^ McLeary, Paul (2004-12-24). "It's Christmas, and the Echo Chamber Is in Full Chorus". Columbia Journalism Review. 
  5. ^ Clark, Frederick (March/June 1994). "Christian Reconstructionism: Theocratic Dominionism Gains Influence". The Public Eye. Political Research Associates. 
  6. ^ Conason, Joe (1997-10-19). "Paula's New Pals: The Loony Right". The New York Observer. 
  7. ^ Barnes, Lindsay (2008-01-24). "Suing the president: Ten years later, John Whitehead looks back at Jones v. Clinton". The Hook. 
  8. ^ Dean, Narciso (20 July 2011). "State pulls negative letter from Freshwater's file". Columbus Dispatch. Retrieved 1 August 2011. 

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